O-Kai A Cappella
Album - 9 songs |

O-Kai A Cappella

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9 songs
O-Kai Singers, Taiwan Aboriginal A Cappella Album 來自新竹尖石鄉泰雅族的阿卡貝拉人聲專輯

歐開合唱團在2004年成團之際,便連續拿下國內外共十七座音樂大獎,這八年間累積了超過五百場的精湛演出,足跡遍佈歐洲、美加、中國、星馬、韓國等地,在各個國際藝術節上均獲得相當崇高的評價。還多次受邀與世界最頂級 A Cappella 的天團 The Swingle Singers, The Real Group, The Idea of North.....於國家音樂廳,體育館同台表演。他們在沒演出的平日,則是回到尖石老家的山上種甜柿、採靈芝、砍竹子,用他們的雙手與這片土地溫柔共生。

這張專輯的製作重量十足,集結了多位葛萊美獎編曲家,包括David Maddux、Mark Kibble、Michele Weir與Phil Mattson等,A Cappella圈的頂尖大師跨國操刀。歐開則是用最純粹的清唱與純熟的美學和聲技巧,融合了高山的曠遠、海洋的晴朗與城市的肌理。每一個和絃的行進,宛如秀拉點描派的印象景緻,將樂句中的光影,細膩堆疊出祖先們快樂相聚的情境、上帝的吩囑、祖母織布的雙手、戀愛中的微小幸福和海邊的自由與奔放;在完全沒有任何樂器,只有人聲的場景移動間,流轉著R&B的自由、Jass的優雅、Gospel的黑人靈魂、節奏強烈的Funk與熱情的巴西爵士風情。精采的像是在黑夜來臨前,天邊令人目不暇給的絢爛雲彩;又像是在深夜晴朗的高山上,那條印在心上的璀璨銀河,令人不可自拔地沉迷其中。

O-Kai Singers is a Taiwanese A Cappella group with six members. Founded in 2004, O-Kai Singers members are from the Atayal tribe, Amis tribe and Han tribe. With a rich combination of cultural background from each of the members, they have together brought their talents for music and their passions alive.

Over 500 performances around the world and winning 17 awards internationally, this album will surely bring out their vocal talent that you would not want to miss. A Chinese music critic ever said, “Their powerful voices and contagious performance just conquered the audience on the spot…”

In this album, you will enjoy their reinterpreted traditional Tayal songs and contemporary songs from Amis and Puyuma tribes in a wide variety of music styles, including Jazz, R&B, Gospel, Funk, and Latin. Listen to the hidden scenes within their music. Enjoy!

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