Album - 14 songs |


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"Following the long gestation of Brahms' First Symphony, the composer quickly returned to the form for his Second, completing it within a year. Brahms playfully kept the score's mood and content hidden from even his closest friends, humorously describing the music as so melancholy that you will not be able to bear it. I have never written anything so sad, so minor the score should be published with a black border. Nothing could be further from the truth as the Second Symphony stands as one of Brahms' most carefree and extrovert works. Once again, the influential (and feared critic) Eduard Hanslick praised the new

symphony, writing, he Second Symphony appears like the sun to warm connoisseurs and lay people alike, it belongs to everyone who longs for good music, whether they can comprehend the most difficult or not. The program is rounded out with the ever-popular Variations on a Theme of Haydn.

Michael Gielen's recordings for hänssler Classic have been eagerly sought after by collectors around the world. His unique, disciplined approaches to the full spectrum of repertoire, from Beethoven to Boulez are among the finest ever committed to disc. Gielen's understanding of the idioms of he 20th century is universally acknowledged but his unique, straightforward approach to the Romantic repertoire serves as a model for future generations. This current Brahms cycle is certain to rank among the finest productions of a long and distinguished career.

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