VOI SQUARE CAT Discography

BLOSSOM BLOSSOM 2023/06/10 Time Capsule Time Capsule 2023/03/04 DIVE DIVE 2023/02/18 Neko kaburi dance Neko kaburi dance 2023/01/19 Reien Reien 2022/06/07 Very Superior Collectibles -Early Years Best- Very Superior Collectibles -Early Years Best- 2020/10/28 RAISE A FLAG RAISE A FLAG 2020/09/16 反撃 反撃 2020/09/04 ヒカリ ヒカリ 2020/07/17 HEROES of LIGHT HEROES of LIGHT 2019/03/24 Together Together 2018/04/15 ALONG ALONG 2018/03/29 Re Start Re Start 2017/12/04 Want To Ride The Time Machine Want To Ride The Time Machine 2015/10/16