04 Limited Sazabys
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04 Limited Sazabys

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2008年名古屋にて結成の4ピースロックバンド。2015年1st Full
Single「SEED」をリリース。9月29日にバンド史上最大キャパシティとなる、さいたまスーパーアリーナにて"YON EXPO"を開催。
Vo.GEN の少年のようなハイトーンボイスから繰り出されるグッドメロディーかつ疾走感溢れる楽曲と、圧倒的なライブパフォーマンスは観る者の心を掴む。
04 Limited Sazabys is a four-member punk-rock band formed in Nagoya,
Japan in 2008. Due to its overwhelmingly aggressive live act which
follows traditional punk-rock manner, catchy songs, and extremely
high-note vocal style,
They released their new single "SEED" in September 2019. For the first
time in their band's history 04LS held "YON EXPO" in Saitama Super
Arena on September 29th, 2019. Their overwhelmingly aggressive live
act always thrills the audience, especially because of 04LS's
beautiful melodies and with Gen’s high-pitched vocals.


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