
Sarcasm - Album Version

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You've got me shaking from the way you're talking 你的言語震撼著我心房
My heart is breaking but there's no use crying 心碎成片卻無淚可抛
What a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes 氰化驚愕充滿我雙眸
If I had common sense I'd cut myself or curl up and die 理智若在我會自斷或黯然死去
Sticks and stones could break my bones 棍棒石塊可摧我骨
But anything you say will only fuel my lungs 而你的每句說話唯煽風點火
Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts 不必理會,我們只是吐露心底
If this is love I don't wanna be loved 若這是愛,我寧願不愛
You pollute the room with a filthy tongue 你用骯髒之語污染房間
Watch me choke it down so I can throw it up 看我吞下去,只為能嘔吐
If this is love I don't wanna be hanging by the neck 若這是愛,我寧願不掛在死亡的觀眾面前
Before an audience of death(在觀眾面前)
You could be the corpse and I could be the killer 你可以是屍體,我可以是兇手
If I could be the devil, you could be the sinner 若我是魔鬼,你是罪人
You could be the drugs and I could be the dealer 你是毒品,我是販子
Everything you say is like music to my ears 每句話都像音樂撫慰我耳
Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts 不必理會,我們只是吐露心底
If this is love I don't wanna be loved 若這是愛,我寧願不愛
You pollute the room with a filthy tongue 你用骯髒之語污染房間,
Watch me choke it down so I can throw it up 看我吞下去,只為能嘔吐
If this is love I don't wanna be hanging by the neck 若這是愛,我寧願不掛在死亡的觀眾面前
Before an audience of death(在觀眾面前)
Failure find me 失敗尋找我
To tie me up now 縛我起來吧
'Cause I'm as bad, as bad as it gets 因為我糟糕透頂,這是最糟的
Failure find me 失敗尋找我
To hang me up now 現在絞死我
By my neck cause I'm a fate worse than death 用我的脖子,因為我比死更可怕
What a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes 氰化驚愕充滿我雙眸
If I had common sense I'd cut myself or curl up and die 理智若在我會自斷或黯然死去
Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts 不必理會,我們只是吐露心底
If this is love I don't wanna be loved 若這是愛,我寧願不愛
You pollute the room with a filthy tongue 你用骯髒之語污染房間
Watch me choke it down so I can throw it up 看我吞下去,只為能嘔吐
Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts 不必理會,我們只是吐露心底
If this is love I don't wanna be hanging by the neck 若這是愛,我寧願不掛在死亡的觀眾面前
Before an audience of death 在觀眾面前
Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts 不必理會,我們只是吐露心底
If this is love I don't wanna be loved 若這是愛,我寧願不愛
You pollute the room with a filthy tongue 你用骯髒之語污染房間
Watch me choke it down so I can 看我吞下去,只為能…
Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts 不必理會,我們只是吐露心底
If this is love I don't wanna be hanging by the neck 若這是愛,我寧願不掛在死亡的觀眾面前