
Remembering - Chinese Version

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Lyricist: 張承、尹約、Bob Ezrin、Shridhar Solanki     Composer: 改編自〈Londonderry Air〉

硝烟将尽(I hear your song)
尘未远余音萦绕(Over the settling dust and smoke)
隔岸相顾(Face each other across the Suzhou River)
盼愿再无喧嚣(We wish for no more clamor of war)
暮色将至(The twilight is up)
轻吟唱心爱歌谣(Ballads chanting all around)
待到破晓(Till the dawn breaks)
奔赴家乡怀抱(Country roads take us home)
化作古风(For the winds of peace)
背负青山人未老(We are willing to fight and sacrifice)
挚友已故(Best friends are gone)
精气终究未倒(Their spirits forever last)
故土燃烧(Homeland is burning)
守卫者涌向风暴(Guardians rush to frontline)
无憾与你相遥(I can die with no regrets)
幸而留下微笑(Because your smile always fills my heart)

I lie awake(我辗转反侧)
Beside the rolling water(依偎涓流)
Long for the day(终有一日)
When peace will come for all(和平将倾人间)
I still recall(依稀记得)
The smile we gave each other(彼此微笑)
Reminds me of the life we're fighting for(驱我身赴沙场舍命夺)
I hear your song(余音萦绕耳畔)
My sister and my brother(手足回响我心)
It fills my heart. It's with me everywhere(伴我始终)
I won't forget(难相望)
Our promise to each other(山盟海誓)
I will remember I am here(勿相忘)
For you were there(与你相遥)

I will be there(我将至此)
I'll stand with you forever(与你永共)
I will be there(我将至此)
You'll never be alone(再无寂寥)
And we will share(你我同享)
Our dream of peace together(和平之梦)
Until the morning comes(愿有朝一日 晨曦映照)
And we are finally home(终还乡)

I hear your song(余音萦绕耳畔)
My sister and my brother(手足回响我心)
It fills my heart. It's with me everywhere(伴我始终)
I won't forget(勿相忘)
Our promise to each other(山盟海誓)

无憾与你相遥(I can die with no regrets)
幸而留下微笑(Because your smile always fills my heart)