作詞:曾國宏, 오혁, 권성철 作曲:曾國宏, 陳弘禮, 羅尊龍, 王少軒, 黃浩庭, 오혁, 임현제, 임동건, 이인우, 권성철
Arranger:Sunset Rollercoaster / HYUKOH
We have to fight
Only trying to survive
Dead friends are behind you and me
Hands with the fire
Jump to the sea
Only go higher you and me
We haven't fight
Just trying to survive
Anyone alive? You and me
Hands with the fire
Jump to the sea
Go down or higher? Ask you and me
Everyday is yesterday
we don't look back
go forward with no regrets
We, the young, forever mercy (woo )
Everyday is yesterday
we don't look back
Meaning's always meaningless
We, the young, forever mercy (woo)
슬픔은 늘 떼로 온다
기쁨은 늘 스쳐 간다
슬픔은 늘 떼로 온다
기쁨은 없다
Everyday is yesterday
we don't look back
go forward with no regrets
We, the young, forever mercy
Everyday is yesterday
and we don't look back
Meaning's always meaningless
We, the young, forever mercy