

試聴する フル再生

Sometimes the truth seems simple in my mind 有時真相在心中似乎很明白
Said out loud makes me feel left behind 大聲說出來反而覺得自己像個弱者
Just gotta thank my lucky stars tonight 必須感謝幸運星今晚的眷顧
Just gonna fake it till I make it right 我只是想假裝下去直到做對為止

Devil watches every step I take 魔鬼注視著我的每一步
Messing with the moves I'm trying to shake 阻撓我試圖抛開過去的動作
Every day we do God's little dance 每天彷彿照著上帝的安排跳舞
Never knowing when to take a chance 從不知道何時該踫踫運氣

Ah woo ooh
Ooo oo ooh
Ah woo ooh
Ah woo ooh

Money makes things seem so out of whack 金錢令事情變得很糟糕
Drive away in my blue Cadillac 開著我的藍色凱迪拉克離開這一切
Wheels are spinning out here on this ice 車輪在冰上旋轉奔馳
Need someone to hug me real nice 真的需要有人好好的擁抱一下

Ah woo ooh
Ooo oo ooh

Walk in the room staring at the wall 走進房間目光凝視著牆壁
And I wonder what I came in for at all 突然懷疑來這裡到底為了什麼
Need to travel out of my own brain 需要脫離自己的心情放鬆一下
It's hard to get in rhythm with this pain 身心很難在這種痛苦之下保持一致

Someone tell me what the hell is wrong 誰能告訴我這到底是怎麼回事?
Nights always feel quiet and too long 夜晚總是感覺沉悶又漫長...

Ah woo ooh
Ooo oo ooh
Ah woo ooh
Ooo oo ooh