露露 (Lulu)

露露 (Lulu)

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Who is LULU?

Anastasia Xu (Lulu), born in Chicago, USA, brought back to Beijing, China at age of 3, studied in Chinese and International schools before returning to American high school at the age of 14. In 2016, at the age of 17, Lulu became a freshman at the University of California, San Diego, studying for psychology and music dual degree.

When you first meet her, Lulu does not strike you as an “entertainer”. She is cerebral and quiet. She is not an extrovert, not always “on”. On the other hand, her quiet demeanor is not evidence of fear or undue shyness. To the contrary: Lulu has the calm countenance of a person deep in thought and sure of her musical vision. No, she is not a typical singer or writer. Lulu is a true artist.

A Lulu song is a unique experience. She has the unique ability to write about things that most people can relate to, such as love, relationships and family, but she does it using a language that is truly poetic and filled with mystical imagery. By putting common experiences in a new light, she helps the listener to examine life in new ways, and in so doing, see new aspects of life that might never have been noticed before.

But the area where it all comes together is with the VOICE. Lulu has a voice that is as gentle as a breeze and soothing as a mother’s touch. Yet inside that calm is a hidden storm. Passionate feelings bubble to the surface, but are kept in check. This creates a tension that keep the listener’s ear engaged, while stimulating the mind and warming the heart. Not a simple matter, but seemingly effortless within Lulu’s sphere.

Music lovers rejoice! The age of Lulu is upon us!

