三维鱼 (coolfish)

三维鱼 (coolfish)

试听 听全曲
Founded in Beijing in 2008
Independent mainland Chinese band
The band members: vo: Zhan Bo: / gt: Wang Huan / ba: Li Ning / dr: Lin Xiao Chuan

The orchestra was composed by guitarist Wang Huan and guitarist Lining. He created many excellent works in the early years, and established the band style. The lead singer Zhan Bo joined the band. He was good at the British style. He joined the band and brought more music creation for the band.
The band took part in the Let 's Band campus original music competition sponsored by Lee to get the season and officially start the music career.
In 2009, with the song "brilliant", he won the "best band" award for the music festival, the music festival of the gate tower, "the most popular band" award;
In 2012, the single song "brilliant" was issued; in 2013, the first album, "cool fish", was released.
In 2014, the song "I Wanna Fly" was selected as the hit series "energy-saving" interlude music; the same year singles "you will"; 2015, singles "proud of the flight".
The national runner up of the Levi 's music program in 2016
In 2017, the movie "the temporary actor" included the song "will you" "the castle", "take the dream to fly" as a film episode.

