Obsessed pet owners unite! 10 songs that were written for furkids

Obsessed pet owners unite! 10 songs that were written for furkids

There’s a type of love that completely and wholeheartedly entrusts itself to you. Like a love between a parent and a child, you need it as much as it needs you to go through the ups and downs of life together. It is truly a romantic notion to be able to spend entire lifetimes with one another, and with it — a pet, as you would now have guessed, you get to be his one and only in its short span of life on earth. A fair bit of musicians has written songs about their furchildren, as you’d be able to see here. Have a listen and see if these love letters to their pets describe the sweet love you share with yours as well.

🐱 Wei Li-An (Wei Bird)’s ‘Cat Republic’

A self-professed ‘crazy cat person’, William Wei, or Wei Bird as he is popularly known by fans, dedicated the self-penned song ‘Cat Republic’ to his three feline friends, Yuppy, Doggy and Brother Orange. The lyrics, written from the perspective of a feline queen, describe a typical day in the cat kingdom for his furry friends. In order to include their mews into the soundtrack, Wei Bird even synthetically adjusted their mews to the key of the song. Fans are tickled by Wei Bird’s lyrics (think “Come and lick my backside”) and the amount of obsession he has over his cats.

🐶 AFU’s ‘Same Love’

After a long hiatus, indie singer AFU finally released new works in the form of a composition for Seven Fat’s ‘The Universe of Brother How’ and her original song ‘Same Love’ in 2020. The music video of the latter is an interesting showcase of a girl interacting with her ruff-ian boyfriend, who is later revealed to be a personification of AFU’s canine pet Shooby.

🐶 Rainie Yang’s ‘Nutrients’

When preparing for her eleventh album Delete Reset Grow, Rainie Yang shared with singer-songwriter Peggy Hsu her wish to dedicate a song to her 14-year-old dog Yumi. The song would have an “I still remember” at the beginning of every line, which is Rainie’s way of remembering all the good times with her pet. Taiwanese actresses Annie Chen and Ivy Shao were featured in the heartwarming music video with their canine friends, Chelsea and Ah Bi, and good pals and former girl group mates Windie Zhang and Sunnie Huang both appeared with their families as well.

🐱 Leo Wang ft. DJ Didilong’s ‘Hey Morrison’

Morrison is the name of a cat that Taiwanese rapper Leo Wang once had, which disappeared one summer day never to return. He co-wrote this song with a fellow feline fan DJ Didilong to beckon Morrison’s return. The music video depicts the pair searching frantically for the cat and in the last scene, a black kitty zooms past before the MV abruptly ends. The open-ended ending leaves its viewer to wonder if they ever did find Morrison.

🐱 RPG’s ‘Kittylicious’

Underground rap artist RPG, who shot to fame with the song ‘Heartbreak Boulevard’, wrote ‘Kittylicious’ for his feline furkid with lyrics that gush over his love for it. Case in point: “I am so proud when you do the right thing/ I am reluctant to tell you off when you do wrong”. It is almost as if the whole world fades away when RPG is with his little kitty cat. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were the object of RPG’s affections?

🐱 Gigantic Roar’s ‘Hungry Morrison’

Prior to going solo, Leo Wang first debuted as the lead singer of Taiwanese band Gigantic Roar which released this song ‘Hungry Morrison’ in 2016. Even though this is an angst-ridden song bemoaning the loss of his cat, it is not difficult to see the soft-spot this hard-talking owner has for his pet beneath it all. In his other band with Taiwanese singer Chunyan, Yeemao, Leo also released the song ‘My Pussy Is Gone’ talking about his guilt over Morrison’s disappearance. Morrison, if you can see this, your daddy is now a Golden Melody Award winner. He loves you very much, so just go home, okay? P.S The cat in the MV is not Morrison.

🐶 Jam Hsiao’s ‘A Love Song For You’

Exuberant, lively and passionate, Jam Hsiao’s ‘A Love Song For You’ may have seemed like a straightforward romantic song singing about a couple in love but watch to the end. No one could have guessed that Jam’s irrepressible love is really for his then-nine-month-old French bulldog. The MV is a glorified video of Jam playing with his furkid, but we are not complaining. It is no secret that Jam is a huge animal lover. Not only has he adopted countless strays, but he also donates regularly to pet rescue centers.

🐱 Waa Wei’s ‘Woman There, Cat Here’

A remix of her own song ‘Her Delicate Plots’, Waa Wei’s ‘Woman There, Cat Here’ kept the original lyrics but changed up the tune. A special edition music video was also put out for this song, showing Waa Wei with her beloved cats, Gaga and Woolala. It is clear how captivated Waa Wei is with her furchildren from the way she sang this soothing song. She once said that her love for them is so intense that she regrets getting them as she now fears that she would one day lose them.

🐱 DJ Didilong’s ‘Meow Meow’

Written and composed by DJ Didilong, the song encapsulates the coquettish nature of feline furballs so well that you can almost picture the luxuriant and slow saunter of the cat as you listen to it. The spot-on lyrics also accurately depict their unique behaviours, “You call nonstop at night/ You’re sleepy in the day/ You scratch the sofa/ You also love a good stretch”. Crazy cat fans will love the music video, which is a slideshow of all the cat photos submitted by fans.

🐶 Won Fu’s ‘Salut Ça Va’

Taiwanese folk-rock band Wonfu members’ dogs Ringo and Bonjour were hilariously made captain and vice-captain in the video ‘Salut Ça Va’. The indoor and outdoor scenes both capture the love and sweetness Wonfu members have for the two pets.

Sadly, Ringo died from an illness in 2015. Lead vocalist Yao Xiao-Min poignantly posted a message, “Dear Ringo, dear you, you can now run free like before. You are no longer tied down to the many tubes. Go on and bark and run wild”. Bonjour, too, passed away of old age in recent years.

No romantic partners? No problem. Sometimes, it may seem like our pets are the only ones who will never leave us, and their carefree lives provide the simplicity we so crave for in our daily lives. Here is hoping these songs can succinctly convey the love you have for your own furkid.


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