Didn't It Rain
专辑 - 13 首歌曲 |

Didn't It Rain

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13 首歌曲
Did't It Rain the follow-up to Let Them Talk follows a similar format of easy-rolling jazz arrangements and simpatico guest spots supporting Hugh Laurie's blues piano.

Produced again by Joe Henry, this second album sees Laurie branching further into other Southern American genres, including Jazz, R&B, and Tango.

The opening “St Louis Blues” is quite marvellous, a lovely Dixieland arrangement of yawning clarinet and trilling mandolin Jean McClain duets here and on the unrepentant “Send Me to the 'Lectric Chair”, while Taj Mahal fronts a burly “Vicksburg Blues” and Gaby Moreno shares vocal duties on a bilingual tango, “Kiss of Fire”. “Changes” concludes matters with the satisfying rollick of a New Orleans funeral band.



