In A Time Lapse
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In A Time Lapse

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14 首歌曲
Composer/musician Ludovico Einaudi will release his 12th studio album entitled 'In A Time Lapse' on 21st Jan '13 on the Decca label.

'In A Time Lapse' was recorded in October 2012 in a monastery near Verona. The 14 pieces that comprise the album are individual chapters that combine to dazzling effect as reflections of Einaudi's concept of time. He says: "When you are conscious that our time is limited, you try to fill that space with all your energy and emotions and start to imagine beyond the limits and live every moment of your life as fully as when you were a child." The album of piano, electronica, strings and percussion features Ludovico's band, the string orchestra I Virtuosi Italiani and guest violinist Daniel Hope.



