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Gasphers was initially formed on October 12, 2014 in Zhejiang University with Joker Zhou on Vocal, Hammer Zhu on Guitar, Yushan Li on Keyboard, Eve Lin on Bass and Lionel Qiu on Drums and was joined by the second guitarist Afellay Ni in December, 2015. Gina Lai, the current drummer, replaced Lionel on the drums after he graduated in 2016. In 2017, Yushan also graduated and left the band.
Having performed quite a lot on the campus, Gasphers have been gradually developing their own style. Their music is filled with complex emotions, sometimes mischievous, sometimes rebellious and sometimes affectionate, carrying the fearlessness of the younger generation. In fact, their music is just like their personality, humorous but earnest, stubborn but capricious, and thus were jokingly commented to be intriguingly interesting.

Joker Zhou | Singer | Vocal
Hammer Zhu | Guitarist | Guitarist
Afellay Ni | Guitarist | Guitarist
Eve Lin | Bassist | Bassist
Gina Lai | Drummer | Drummer

