
Season's Call

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作词:HYDE     作曲:KAZ

~** HYDE **~
~* 作词:HYDE / 作曲:KAZ / 编曲:HYDE / 呗:HYDE *~

络みつく风に逆らい 失った季节を探している
わずかでも目指す方向へ 鲜やかな记忆が突き动かす
How many cuts should I repeat?
How many fates should I accept?
Does it have an end?

いつも身体中を 君が駆け巡り 溢れそう
だから怖く无いよ 明日も Because I always feel you in me.

渇ききった喉へ流した 君の名で心を润してく
How many cuts should I repeat?
How many fates should I accept?
Does it have an end?

遥かあの鸟のよう 空を飞び越えて ゆけたら
いつも伝えたいよう 爱を Because I always feel you in me.

You taught me how to love. I feel. I can do anything.

梦に描く世界を 君の目の前に 広げたい
だから怖く无いよ 明日も My beloved Season calls me.
Because I always feel you in me.

... feel you .....
... in me .......
... I feel you .........

~* THE END *~