
It's a Deal

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作词:陳少琪     作曲:Deal

猿人卖个性卖有型 潮流以高清卖过程 楼房用呎价换性命 人人那颗心落地有声
新鲜货新鲜运到 要货就会有人做 一张接一张合约 有市就有价能大做

Deal, it's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal

卖了思想买新手表 卖了性格我都识笑 卖了蜗居借宿一宵 换个新手机更潮
名人卖八卦卖揭露 名模以3D卖角度 名流用借肚换创造 人人有一招卖座叫好
新鲜货新鲜运到 要货就会有人做 不需眼光多独到 有货就会有门路

Deal, it's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal

卖了思想买新手表 卖了性格我都识笑 卖了蜗居借宿一宵 换个新手机更潮

Yo yo D E A L It's a good deal.
So you wanna be a dealer, get some big bills?
From the 14 to the 80 year old,
everybody knows where to go
You, just a p-p-playa. Me, I'm a d-d-dealer
Tryin to beat the house man, are you for real?
Don't you know who you playing with? d-d-dealer

Deal, it's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal that I know
It's a really good deal

卖了思想买新手表 卖了性格我都识笑 卖了蜗居借宿一宵 换个新手机更潮
如何能换一斤鸡 鸡贵了你是否计贵 如何能换一斤龟 归家知龟价有问题
人人能换取东西 鸡更贵带动龟更贵 人人留著一蚊鸡 估公仔解答你问题