
降服得生命 Surrender for Life

試聽 聽全曲

In a place that’s weary and bone-dry
All I thirst for is Your breath of life
倒空我自己 沉浸在祢愛裡
Emptied my desires | soak in Your love’s delight

降服於祢 我親愛聖靈
I surrender, dear Holy Spirit
貼近祢心 聆聽祢聲音
Lean in Your heart, keenly listening
煉淨我 掌管我的生命
Refine me, You take the wheel from me
我渴慕 渴慕祢
I want You, You only

Regained my strength by being humble
Restore me so up I now can soar
恩典節奏裡 放下就得生命
In time with Your grace for life all else can rest

降服於祢 我親愛聖靈
I surrender, dear Holy Spirit
貼近祢心 聆聽祢聲音
Lean in Your heart, keenly listening
煉淨我 掌管我的生命
Refine me, You take the wheel from me
I want You, You only

Restore the life in me
試煉中我仍站立 心安息如祢
Through trials I’m still standing in You I have peace

降服於祢 我親愛聖靈
I surrender, dear Holy Spirit
貼近祢心 聆聽祢聲音
Lean in Your heart, keenly listening
煉淨我 掌管我的生命
Refine me, You take the wheel from me
I want You, You only
降服於祢 我親愛聖靈
I surrender, dear Holy Spirit
貼近祢心 聆聽祢聲音
Lean in Your heart, keenly listening
煉淨我 掌管我的生命
Refine me, You take the wheel from me
我渴慕 我渴慕祢心
I want You, You only