The Spirit Of Rehabilitation
專輯 - 7 首歌曲 |

The Spirit Of Rehabilitation

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7 首歌曲
擁有永久重大傷病卡的復健專科醫師 – Dr.詹姆士,希望結合醫療與音樂,做些與眾不同的嚐試,自2012年至今,發行實體與數位作品共五張,風格不離生命、家庭、醫療。八年過去,樂團經過雙人、三人、到現在的五人編製,詹姆士帶領樂團共同完成這張以復健為主題的EP【復健精神】。

This EP is about " rehabilitation." Its "Medical Rock" theme is very different from other pop music theme. The leader of this band, Dr. James, is the main song writer. He wrote the song "Lighting Up" for Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation," which is related to rehab categories including: neurological rehab, pediatric rehab, cardiopulmonary rehab, and orthopedic rehab. Another song "My Rehab Diary" is about a person who got stroke and about how the patient's feeling and what he/she did rehab everyday. The 3rd song "Soccor Dream" is aboug the patients having depression or schizophrenia, team up for exercising, for gaming, also for therapy. Through playing soccor game, these patients can recover and go back home or work for rejoin our society.



