專輯 - 1 首歌曲 |


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1 首歌曲

音樂靈感源自於插畫家Cinyee Chiu的插畫,專輯封面也是Cinyee Chiu的作品,非常感謝她!

其實24節氣音樂從2013年就開始做了,一開始是每個節氣都是一首完整的長曲子,當我作到十幾首之後看到Cinyee Chiu完整的插畫,我決定整個重做,但是一直沒有什麼更好的想法,直到2016年Cinyee Chiu把自己創作24節氣的想法陸續寫出來後,我才開始又有動力繼續。

希望每首曲子都能是獨立的,每個季節都有自己的特色,而24首曲子集結能變成一首完整的長曲子外,從任何一首切入播放都能形成一個完整一年的圓,是在做24節氣音樂時對自己的期許,也希望自己的音樂能配得上Cinyee Chiu的插畫!

春: 立春(2.3~2.5)、雨水(2.18~2.19)、驚蟄(3.5~3.6) 、春分(3.20~3.21) 、清明(4.4~4.5) 、穀雨(4.19~4.21)
夏: 立夏(5.5~5.7)、小滿(5.21~5.22)、芒種(6.5~6.7) 、夏至(6.21~6.22) 、小暑(7.7~7.8) 、大暑(7.22~7.23)
秋: 立秋(8.7~8.8)、處暑(8.23~8.24)、白露(9.7~9.8) 、秋分(9.22~9.23) 、寒露(10.8~10.9) 、霜降(10.23~10.24)
冬: 立冬(11.7~11.21)、小雪(11.22~12.6)、大雪(12.7~12.21) 、冬至(12.22~1.4) 、小寒(1.5~1.19) 、大寒(1.20~2.3)

In the order of spring, summer, autumn and winter, each season has six solar terms, combine the 24 pieces of short songs to a year long song.
Each season with a specific sound for the season theme bringing out the characteristics of each season.

The music inspired by illustrator Cinyee Chiu , and very appreciate for the album cover illustration!

In fact, 24 solar terms project started from 2013, at the beginning of the project, each solar term is a complete long song.
But I decided to redo it all when had done 13 songs and saw the complete Cinyee Chiu's illustration.
At that time, I did not have any better ideas until 2016 when Cinyee Chiu writed out her idea of creating 24 solar terms.
I hope each song can be independent, each season has its own characteristics, and 24 songs can be assembled into a complete long song, and from any one song cut into the play can form a complete year of the circle. I also hope my music can deserve Cinyee Chiu's illustration!

《The Sequence of 24 solar terms music 》
Spring: Start of Spring(2.3~2.5)、Rain Water(2.18~2.19)、Insects Awaken(3.5~3.6) 、Spring Equinox(3.20~3.21) 、Clear and Bright(4.4~4.5) 、Grain Rain(4.19~4.21)

Summer: Start of Summer (5.5~5.7)、Grain Full (5.21~5.22)、Grain in Ear (6.5~6.7) 、Summer Solstice (6.21~6.22) 、Minor Heat (7.7~7.8) 、Major heat (7.22~7.23)

Autumn: Start of Autumn (8.7~8.8)、Limit of Heat (8.23~8.24)、White Dew (9.7~9.8) 、Autumn Equinox (9.22~9.23) 、Cold Dew (10.8~10.9) 、Frost Descent (10.23~10.24)

Winter: Start of Winter (11.7~11.21)、Light Snow (11.22~12.6)、Heavy Snow (12.7~12.21) 、Winter Solstice (12.22~1.4) 、Minor Cold (1.5~1.19) 、Major Cold(1.20~2.3)



