Album - 18 songs |


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18 songs
The Hydra, a mythological serpent creature from ancient Greece, couldn’t be killed. When one of its many heads was cut off, two more grew in its place... It’s like the Dutch symphonic metal legends Within temptation – undefeatable!
Within temptation have never been a band to be content with simply repeating their past. With ‘Hydra’, their sixth studio album which is the most powerful and groundbreaking album ever includes special guest performances from operatic metal diva Tarja Turunen, us hip-hop icon Xzibit, acclaimed singer-songwriter Dave Pirner (soul asylum) and metalcore legend Howard Jones (ex-Killswitch engage)
”The Hydra 海德拉”- 希腊神话中的九头蛇,每被斩去一个头就会以双倍再生,如此死而复生,永恒不灭......独特的专辑名字反映出致命诱惑乐团 Within Temptation的多变与创造力,贵位荷兰交响金属界领军组合,成员们却从未甘于故步自封。即将面世的第 六张专辑”The Hydra海德拉”在延续乐团风格基础上作出不少新尝试,更邀得多位顶尖音乐人跨刀合作。主唱Sharon与Tarja Turunen(日暮颂歌合唱团前女主唱) 两位哥德金属歌姬首度破天荒合作,以媚惑美声让歌迷拜倒,加上美国饶舌界重量级人物Xzibit及Howard Jones(终极杀戮乐团前主唱) 倾力献声,专辑音乐性更多元丰富。
*亚洲盘特别加收8首Bonus Track,罕有收录新歌“进化版”,团员亲自解说创作灵感,演示歌曲由蕴酿到最后完成的过程,另外更囊 括与比利时电台Q-Music合作的翻唱曲目,包括Let Her Go、Summertime Sadness、Radioactive等经典之作。
*South East Asia Premium Edition features bonus "Evolution Versions" of four new songs, which contain audio commentary from Robert and Sharon and give you unique access to the development of the songs, their lyrical inspiration and the sound of the initial demos and vocals, also features several of the cover songs from their project with QMusic Belgium。

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