星际大篷车 (Interstellar Caravan)
Album - 14 songs |

星际大篷车 (Interstellar Caravan)

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14 songs
With the cosmic wind, the canvas of the caravan flies up and down, freely. They starts off, yet haven’t started, or rather they are already driving among the magnificent stars. Traveler from Centaurus wearing a silk flower, amorous gamma ray, and tears flowed from the rose red nebula, tell myths passed down by their ancestors to the adventurers, one after another: there is the throbbing purple and blue curves in sand; there is storm hidden in the campfire; half piece of bread grows to a towering tree…… They simultaneously point to a disaster, the ultimate disaster, the tender disaster, the inevitable disaster. The disaster brings the caravan to sail through, and also gives it nostalgia, flowing up and down in the ocean of thought, like a lonely boat. It is not thinking, but being thought. The headlights of the caravan blink in a circulatory beat, as the eternally circulating phrase of Proust, appearing in every fragment of history.

They comes back, yet haven’t come back. The caravan spurts grey smoke, archly fading away from the back of a planet. This is a trick, a trick that it plays to the universe.

The tricks produced this full-length album in the summer of 2017 and completed in the autumn of 2018. Recording studio Gebi bar in Yiwu, Zhejiang.

Special Thanks
Producer: Li Ping
Trumpet: Ge Hechen
Composing: Tang Xiaowei
Cover Designer:chenchenchen
Copywriter:Jiang Ye
Photographer:Wang Qing
Recording equipment support:Guitar Lu Instrument Shop

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