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Anson Lo 卢瀚霆
林家谦 (Terence Lam)
Thank You Postman
陈卓贤 (Ian Chan)
Edan 呂爵安
Crafting your personalized listening experience

For You

Get unlimited music recommendations, play whatever you like

Listen by any mood

Find tracks that fit your mood, or create your own playlists for every moment

Expand your music taste

Let the music find you. Everyday. Enjoy a surprise mix from what you’ve listened before

User Achievement

Record your listening footprint
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Event Badge

Event Badge

KKBOX will release diverse event badges for users to unlock within a limited time. Once completing the tasks, you'll have the chance to win exclusive prizes, concert tickets, and enjoy member-exclusive discounts and perks!

Pleasing to hear whether you sing it or say it


The most local curation
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Podcast with Music

Break through the restrictions of music copyright. Embeding songs in Podcast to make the program more exciting!
Break through the restrictions of music copyright. Embeding songs in Podcast to make the program more exciting!
Connect with friends of the same interests

Listen With

You can listen to the DJ's playlist and interact with them in the chatroom! Music anywhere, anytime!
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What songs do you listen to?
I love this song
I can listen to this all day..
Never miss a beat

Music Recognition

Find out the song details the moment you want to capture a good song!
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Find out the song details the moment you want to capture a good song!
KKBOX Features
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