谢安琪 (Kay Tse)

谢安琪 (Kay Tse)

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Titled <The 2nd Home>, the album to crack open the Mandarin market for the Hong Kong pop diva features an elite songwriting team that counts Khalil Fong, LaLa Hsu, Sodagreen's Wu Qing Feng, Cousin Fung, Deep White, and Francis Lee among its members. With Will Lin, Eric Chen, and Kay's long-term collaborator Adrian Chow producing. It was offers 10 Mandarin songs in this album, including Khalil Fong's soulful "Frailty" as the first plug, and LaLa Hsu/Francis Lee's titular track "The 2nd Home". Showing the broad range of styles in the album, the unique song "Orchid Fingers" features the vocals of famous Beijing opera artist Li Yugang.


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