Tessa Rae Discography

if you still like me in the morning if you still like me in the morning 2024/05/15 Sweetly, Softly Sweetly, Softly 2024/02/14 Roses on the Table Roses on the Table 2024/01/19 Secret Language Secret Language 2023/12/20 Bad Weather Bad Weather 2023/09/21 Sick Love Sick Love 2023/08/18 Breakfast at Noon Breakfast at Noon 2022/12/02 Skies of Grey Skies of Grey 2022/10/21 Favorite Mistake Favorite Mistake 2022/05/17 r u over me r u over me 2022/01/14 Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance 2021/11/12 i dont miss you i dont miss you 2021/08/27 Remember Remember 2021/03/19 Drunk Eyes Drunk Eyes 2021/02/12 Tangled Tangled 2020/10/30 Body Body 2020/09/18 Disposable Film Disposable Film 2020/08/07 Downtown Downtown 2018/05/18