Demi Lovato growing up before our very eyes

Demi Lovato growing up before our very eyes
Terry Engel
Terry Engel
Still at the young age of 23, Demi started off in the entertainment industry at a very young age and worked with a lot of talent right from the beginning of her career. We had an opportunity to talk to Demi about her changing role as a pop singer and we began by asking her role models changed since she started off in the entertainment industry. "I have so many role models", she said. "I admire people who are true to themselves and stand up for what they believe in. I hope I can be a role model to others." Her role has certainly changed as she has matured and has become a role model herself for the legions of fans she has accumulated over the years. Growing up with so many eyes watching your every move is certainly difficult. Without a lot of life experience it seems a young artist would make a lot of mistakes, especially in the music industry. "Its not about fixating on your mistakes but learning and growing from them," Demi replied. Advice that was no doubt learned through process as a young actress. Now as she moves into a point in her career where she could be referred to as a veteran, she released her latest album Confident in October of 2015. A fitting title given that she has already spent a well over decade in the entertainment industry and has no doubt become comfortable with her place as a singer and in the hearts of her fans. Wondering what would be new or different about this album, we asked Miss Lovato what we could expect on Confident. "New me", she exclaimed! A reference to a new found confidence, perhaps? "I feel like I am so grown up so much on this album." She certainly alludes to a new chapter in her professional career having co-written most of the songs on her new album. She also worked very close with a number of well known producers including Max Martin and Steve Mac. "I love to take risks. I have to keep it interesting and new," she said speaking of the slightly more provocative lyrical content. The album reflects a more personal Demi Lovato and she draws from her own narrative making this venture a lot riskier for her. Whatever the challenge for Demi Lovato, she has had to deal with it under public scrutiny from a very young age; a challenge even most adults can't handle. She has shown a great amount of poise since her Barney and Friends days with Selena Gomez and if the title of her new album is any indication, she is ready for any challenge she will face in the future.
Terry Engel
Terry Engel

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