
jane and jenny

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jane and jenny they don't eat much
when they eat they always go dutch
diet plans they always have a clutch

sometimes they have competitions
see who has got the volition
not to eat anything for days

when will they understand
like sardines in a can
like pancakes on the pan
they've no space no time to think

beauty they define it differently
they don't believe what they see
they don't live in the reality

they don't want me to be their friends
because i'm not as slim as them
maybe i should try hard to pretend

so i'll change my name to jane
and sing this song again
from the start to the refrain
so i'd become one of them

so i'll change my name to jane
and sing this song again
from the start to the refrain
so i'd become one of them

do you love yourself
do you love your life
do you love your body
do you love your face
do i love my face