
close to me

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Lyricist: AKIRA     Composer: Ina Wroldsen

Sitting alone 璧にもたれ Reminiscing.../Sitting alone 依靠牆壁回想
太陽 falling through 木々の隙間から/陽光穿透枝葉之間
And I am so sorry こんなにも溢れてる/And I am so sorry 竟是如此地滿溢
甘い香りに気付いてYou're my something/察覺甜美的香氣You're my something
I'll be next to you

Am I getting too close?
I just want you to stay
ずっと一緒だよ and don't go away/永遠在一起喔 and don't go away
You're always here with me
その温もりを 変わらずに/這份溫暖 永不改變
And now I'm getting you close to me

迷い込んだ子猫のよう It's embarrassing.../就像迷途的小貓一樣 It's embar
過去も今も未来 everyday/過去現在與未來 everyday
I'm lookin at pictures
蒼くただ so clear/如此清澈的藍
気付いてYou're my something/我發覺 You're my something
I'll be next to you

Am I getting too close?
I just want you to stay
ずっと一緒だよ and don't go away/永遠在一起喔 and don't go away
You're always here with me
その温もりを 変わらずに/這份溫暖 永不改變
And now I'm getting you close to me

You are the sun You are the rain
You are in my perfect picture
Here I am もうひとつ Can I ask?/Here I am 再一次 Can I ask?

Oh, am I getting too close?
I just want you to stay
ずっと一緒だよ and you don't go away/永遠在一起喔 and don't go away
You're always here with me
その温もりを 変わらずに/這份溫暖 永不改變
And now I'm getting you close to me
Oh I'll be next to you
Now I'm getting you close to me